From: Colm McGrath <>
Date: 16/06/2023 14:08:43 UTC
Subject: JPN Opportunity

Dear Colleagues,


I write in my role as one of the two General Editors of the Journal of Professional Negligence, alongside Isabel Barter of 2 Temple Gardens. The Journal is a long-running quarterly publication in the field of professional liability and regulation whose remit extends to covers both general issues in the law of obligations which inform the legal context within which professionals operate as well as comparative treatment of any of these subjects. Our homepage can be found here:


We are currently hoping to recruit a new member to the editorial staff and are interested in hearing from academic colleagues who might be interested in this. The role will be to work with Dr Sam Schnobel (Birmingham) on the Case Commentaries section of the Journal, identifying and encouraging submissions within the Journal’s remit from around the common law world.


The role will hopefully commence towards the end of the summer and would be held on an ongoing basis subject to a satisfactory initial period. It comes with a £400 annual book allowance that can be redeemed against anything in the Bloomsbury stable, which happily includes Hart and, as such, is an excellent way of staying on top of the work of many colleagues on this list!


We are happy to have the role taken on by a scholar based outside the UK and are also keen to encourage early career researchers to think about taking it on. If you are interested then please, in the first instance, just drop me a email with a few lines as to why you might be interested and then Isabel and I will be in touch in due course. I am, of course, happy to privately answer any questions on the subject if that’s helpful.


Finally, as a general aside, I’ll flag that, thanks to a recent updating of Bloomsbury’s websites, the actual directions for submissions to the Journal have unhelpfully been snipped off the current page and are yet to return. If you are interested in submitting work, whether long or short articles, case commentaries or book reviews, you’re welcome to contact either Isabel or I and we can either deal with it ourselves, or pass you on to the appropriate member of the broader editorial team.


Best wishes,






Dr Colm McGrath

Senior Lecturer in Tort Law

Academic Fellow of the Middle Temple


Somerset House East Wing 3.17

The Dickson Poon School of Law

King’s College London, WC2R 2LS

T: +44 20 7848 5013



Feedback, advice and support hours: Please email to arrange


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